Some escape sequences and usage of it in a C program.

 List of the escape sequence

Escape Sequence Usage
\a Alarm or Beep
\b Backspace
\f Formfeed
\n New Line
\r Carriage Return
\t Tab (Horizontal)
\v Vertical Tab
\\ Backslash
\' Single Quote
\" Double Quote
\? Question Mark
\ooo Octal Number
\xhh Hexadecimal Number
\0 Null




void main()



    printf("Demonstrating use of \\n \\t \\r and \\b\n\n");


    printf("Use of \\n: \\n is used to add a new line.\n");



    printf("Use of \\t: \\t is used to add the horizontal tab.\n");



    printf("Use of \\r: \\r is used to bring the cursor to the beginning of the line.\n");

    printf("olleH World!\rHello\n\n");


    printf("Use of \\b: \\b is used to bring the cursor one step back.\n");

    printf("Hello World!\b#");




Demonstrating use of \n \t \r and \b

Use of \n: \n is used to add a new line.



Use of \t: \t is used to add the horizontal tab.

word1    word2

Use of \r: \r is used to bring the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Hello World!

Use of \b: \b is used to bring the cursor one step back.

Hello World#


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